You can find information about Cub Scouting and about Pack 7 below.
What is Cub Scouts?
Cub Scouts is the elementary school-age program of the Boy Scouts of America. While the organization is called the Boy Scouts of America, the Cub Scout program is open to all genders. Most Cub Scout Packs are open to scouts in grades K-5, but because of Pack 7's size we do not begin registration until the 1st grade. Most Pack 7 scouts attend Arroyo Vista or Marengo Elementary Schools in South Pasadena.
What do Cub Scouts do?
Pack 7 Cub Scouts do all sorts of things. For example...
We meet up for adventures.
Scouts meet monthly in small groups called Dens where they earn awards and belt loops. They learn about lots of things... the outdoors, first aid, pocketknives, citizenship, collections and hobbies, moviemaking, astronomy, cooking, fishing, and on and on and on and on...
Dens join together monthly for pack meetings where they explore all sorts of subjects. Past pack meeting activities include the following: an Olympic-themed carnival night, an improvised comedy show, an exploration of Earth Day, an action-packed lesson on the Apollo moon landings, a hands-on visit with reptiles, big and small.
We get out in the outdoors.
Pack 7 scouts camp about 3 times a year. Recent trips include the following: Leo Carillo State Beach, Rocket Academy complete with model rocket launches, Winter Camp at Lake Arrowhead, fishing and swimming at Lake Hemet.
Pack 7 also leads hikes once a month. Hike locations include Eaton Canyon, Millard Canyon Falls, Echo Mountain, Debs Park, and the Vasquez Rocks.
We serve our community.
Every year Pack 7 collects food and toys to share with neighbors who need them.
Pack 7 has partnered with the Friends of the South Pasadena Nature Park to weed, plant, and tend to this great local native plant park every month.
In past years, Pack 7 has visited local senior centers and nursing homes. The Pack also painted a conservation-themed mural at the South Pasadena Community Garden.
We have fun.
We go bowling.
We go to Dodgers games.
We play broomball at the Pasadena Ice Center.
We race homemade cars at the annual PINEWOOD DERBY!!!
Registration for new scouts opens at the start of each new school year.
For more information or to be added to our mailing list, email us at